Physics of Complex Systems


Complex Systems is a new field of science studying how parts of a system give rise to the collective behaviors of the system, and how the system interacts with its environment. Social systems formed (in part) out of people, the brain formed out of neurons, molecules formed out of atoms, the weather formed out of air flows are all examples of complex systems. The field of complex systems cuts across all traditional disciplines of science, as well as engineering, management, and medicine. It focuses on certain questions about parts, wholes and relationships. These questions are relevant to all traditional fields.

The Department of Physics of Complex Systems has been established in 1999 among the firsts in Europe in this new field. The founding members played an active role in the establishment of complex systems research networks in Europe and in the statistical physics research community in Hungary. The Department is involved in a broad range of interdisciplinary efforts collaborating with researchers from other disciplines and research-development laboratories of companies operating in Hungary.

Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Eötvös Loránd University
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A (5-th floor, office: 5.64)
Phone: +36 1 3722896; E-mail: